

                                     经销代理品牌 Sales & Agent Brand

Amytel, Olympia, Nippo, Brother, Epson, HP, Liko, 3M,

Motorla, Moneyscan, Minolith, Max, Philips, Panasonic,

Seiko, S-View, Targus, Winner 

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东富行:  代理经销Nippo & Olympia打字机、吹地吹风机、Brother标签打印机,点验钞机、碎纸机、过胶机、巡更钟、文件收发机/车场锺、工卡锺、支票机、钉装机、……

Tung Fu Hong: Sales & Agent for Nippo & Olympia Typewriter, Floor blower, Brother Label Printer, Banknote Counter & Detector, Paper Shredder, Laminator, Patrol Clock, Time Stamp Recorder, ....




营业时间: 星期一至五(九点至六点),星期六,日及公假休息

Business hour: Monday to Friday (9:00 to 18:00),     Sat, Sun & Public Holiday are closed


付款方式: 货到付款,现金及公司支票均可。

Payment Method: C.O.D. both Cash & Company Cheque can be accepted.

送货服务: 港岛,九龙区及新界(2)日内,东涌及离岛区(3)日内

Delivery Services: H.K. Island, Kowloon District & N.T. Within (2) days, Tung Chung & Islands District , within (3) days


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